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ERP at Private Sector, Jordan & Syria




Project Description: Developing and implementing different versions of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems by Jordanian Software Development Companies (1998-2006). Most of ERPs consist of General Ledger, Account Receivable, Accounts Payable, Cash Management, Human Resources, Payroll, Purchasing and Stores, Production, Vehicle Management, In/Out Correspondence, and the Reporting Systems. Those integrated systems efficiently help the financial and administrative team of any company or organization plan, manage, control and monitor all monetary, HR and non-Human Resources, such as raw materials and the manufactured goods, for the best.

Developing Company:  Kawar Group / Idealsoft (Optimiza now) using Oracle Technologies, ITGsolutions using .NET and Oracle DB. And, FACT – The Jordanian Islamic Bank.

Clients:  El-Zay Ready Wear Manufacturing Co., Orthodox Club, NatHealth, HIBA, GJU and Jordanian Islamic Bank.

Working Period: 1998-2001

Involved Staff: Emad alBustami, Software Development Manager OR Team Leader.

Status now: Most of these ERPs are in work and have new versions.